Aotea (tuatoru) was opened on Saturday 17 June 1967


Our Marae Development Plan includes the future renovation and upgrade of our Wharekai, Te Kurairirangi.


The complex includes mens, womens and disabled facilities.

All users are asked to treat our marae with respect and to be respectful of our tikanga and kawa. 

Our whānau members are proud of our marae and our history. 

The Hirer is responsible for the behaviour of your group.  Please respect our marae facilities during you stay at Mākirikiri Marae.  Prior to confirmation the Hirer will be asked to confirm that they understand and agree that their booking is subject to marae tikanga, the marae rules and information provided regarding the facilities. 

Whakapā mai

23 Mākirikiri Road, Dannevirke 4930

Waea mai

+64 (27) 472 3924

Īmēra mai